Want to take your business & message VISIBILITY to new heights... 


Without hiring a PR or Marketing agency? 



Enroll NOW!

Leverage the power of social media, stages and podcasts by BOOKING ME FOR A DAY and having a professional's eyes on your business! 

Welcome, ambitious friend 🤩


Your journey to becoming the Visibility Queen begins here!


After working with hundreds of speakers, authors and coaches since 2020, it’s become really clear that a lot of business owners don’t need a full-blown PR or marketing agency to increase their visibility…

They just need a little...

  • Clarity 🔥

  • Confidence đź‘Ź

  • Support 💓

     to get SEEN, KNOWN, and PAID 💪🏼

And this is EXACTLY what a Visibility VIP Day can help with!


Here's what I can get DONE for you in a Visibility VIP Day:


Message clarity:

Help you get clear on your messaging so it resonates with your target audience

More speaking opportunities:

Help you research speaking opportunities in your area so you create a deep network of people who want to work with you

Brand awareness: 

Help you craft an unforgettable angle or hook for your brand so you stand out in a crowded marketplace

Speaking assets:

Create a custom designed speaker page that increases your authority so you can command higher fees

Brand identity:

Photoshoot consulting so you get professional headshots for your speaker page and website

Signature talk: 

Punch up your signature talk so it leaves a lasting impression on your audience And so much more


What you get: 



The VIP offer is divided in 3 parts:


Part 1: Pre-VIP Day strategy call -  7 days BEFORE your VIP day, we'll spend 60-90 minutes diving deep into your goals, assess your assets, and create a prioritized list of objectives you’d like handled.

Part 2: VIP Intensive Day - we’ll start the day with a kickoff call to make sure the top priorities from the intake call are still the top priorities and then, I’ll get to work and start plowing through the punch list, which may include (but not limited to): signature talk outline, description and blurb, talk slides, speaker page, lead magnet concept & copy, podcast & TV pitches, visibility plan, etc. You won't have to clear your schedule to work with me - and we can have a check in call midday and before end of day.

Part 3: 14 days of Voxer/email support - when you sign up, we’ll connect on Voxer for the week leading up to your VIP Day through 14 days after your VIP Day. That way, you can ask questions as you carry out the strategy we created together.


One Payment


  • Pre-VIP Strategy Call
  • VIP Intensive Day
  • 14 days of Voxer/email support 
Yes, I'm IN!




  • Pre-VIP Strategy Call
  • VIP Intensive Day
  • 14 days of Voxer/email support 
Yes, I'm IN!

What clients are saying...

Emily Garcia
"Working with Marta Spirk for a VIP Day was an absolute game-changer for my speaking career. Her expertise and guidance were instrumental in refining my signature topics, creating a keynote speaking page and crafting a compelling One Sheet for marketing purposes. Marta's insights on pricing strategies, negotiation tactics, and event planning were invaluable. She freely shared documents that she has invested in creating. Within just two weeks of our collaboration, I secured a paid speaking engagement thanks to her guidance and encouragement. Marta's professionalism and knowledge make her an exceptional mentor and coach." 


Vita Lagalla
"Marta has an incredible gift of bringing clarity to something that should be easy to see but you can’t because you’re in the thick of it. I’ve worked with a lot of coaches but with Marta’s guidance, I was able to nail my message in an aligned way. It’s also reassuring to know that she is there along with her supportive community as I take bigger steps. Thank you, Marta!" 


Liz Lautrup
"Marta Spirk tunes in to a need you have and her quick mind comes up with all kinds of fabulous content and ideas that she readily shares. She has helped me determine the journey I take my clients through and more importantly, how to communicate them so that prospect can understand the and become comfortable … so  necessary before a sale gets made! She is a wonderful person, cheerleader, thinker, idea-generator and supporter. I am grateful to have found her." 


About me:

Hi, I'm Marta! 

I'm Brazilian born and raised,  teacher/translator/interpreter with over 20 years of experience in linguistics and communication. For the last 6 years,  I've been helping women to move past perfectionism, impostor syndrome and comparison and into VISIBILITY, CREDIBILITY & PROFIT.

In the last few years I've been able to take my business to multiple 6 figures in sales, publish a book, speak for TEDx and 10x my visibility.

If I can do it, so can YOU!

Let's do this, empowered woman :)

Enroll NOW!