Join me for an EMPOWERING class on increasing confidence to TAKE ACTION!


September 23rd at 1:00pm MST

Get ready to give yourself permission to take up space in the world, embrace your fears and create a PLAN to overcome what's keeping you from GOING FOR WHAT YOU WANT! 

If you've been wanting to find THE training to get your ideas off your head and into LIFE - this is it!









Only $47!

Listen... do you want to know a secret?

There's not one single person on this planet who hasn't felt afraid of taking action.

The difference between those who make it happen and does who don't is NOT just moving forward... it's having a PLAN.

And by having a plan, I mean NOT GIVING UP - STRATEGICALLY.

Saying you should never give up sounds great in theory - but it DOESN'T WORK ON ITS OWN! 

Have you heard of the experssion "failing forward"? I invite you to instead think about REFRAMING failure.

Realize failing is nothing more than insight to keep going in the right direction.

The secret to STOP the cycle of INACTION and DEFEAT is HAVING A STRATEGY, so you can stay focused and build CONFIDENCE on what you can offer the world.

As an individual, it's YOUR JOB to believe you are VALUABLE and have a voice worth being heard.

People can't believe that UNTIL YOU DO.

When you get clear on how awesome your ideas and message are...

When you become more confident that you can truly help someone transform through your very existence…

When you create a system that allows you to keep taking action easily...

You can FINALLY step up, speak up & SHOW UP!


I'm IN!!!


During our 90 minutes together we will go over 3 simple, yet powerful steps to get you from inaction to STEPPING UP, SPEAKING UP & SHOWING UP!

Identify & Overcome Your Fears

Understand exactly HOW you're holding yourself back, so you can let it go and move past it

Map Out Your Ideas & Create an Action Plan

Finally get it out in writing and commit to carrying it out in a way that makes sense for you.

Make Increasing Confidence a Habit

Learn strategies and tools to continue working on your confidence everytime those fears come back up!

Only $47!

Hi, I'm Marta!

I'm a Brazilian girl born and raised,  teacher/translator/interpreter with over 20 years of experience in linguistics and communication. For the last 4 years,  I've been helping women to move past perfectionism, impostor syndrome and comparison and into VISIBILITY, CREDIBILITY & PROFIT.

It is both my passion and mission to give women the permission to succeed, letting their voices be heard to create the impact they were meant to have as they step into their entrepreneurial potential.

 I have become an expert at SHOWING UP and was able to double my 2020 income in the first 6 months of 2021. I did it all with consistency and a PLAN. 

It worked for me and it will work for you, too. 

And I'll show you exactly how!

Join me to be EMPOWERED!