Leverage the POWER

of your CONTENT and
MAGNETIZE your audience



Magnetic Content Creation System

A self-paced program on the FIVE Key Elements of Magnetic Content for implementation & results - and lifetime access!

What you get:

  • Video tutorials outlining all the 5 steps (Notice, Listen, Forgive, Empower & Transform)
  • Video tutorials on how to use all the material & start implementing right away
  • 4 different editable scripts for you to populate
  • 5 slide templates on Canva to use for video presentations
  • Examples on what each video looks like in practice
  • BONUS: a 28-day pop-up FB group to share your progress and ask any questions you may have!










What's the secret to MAGNETIC content that CONVERTS?

You know you need to create content and promote your offers, but what is the language that actually gets people to buy?

You may have tried batching or sticking to a calendar, but it feels stiff and disengaging. 

The fear of sounding salesly makes you hesitate to boldly make an offer and have a clear call to action...

Plus, you know so much about your expertise and have such wisdom, you don't even know what to focus on…

And then you DON'T SHOW UP!

The world literally misses out on your POWER because lack of clarity and fear of rejection holds you back!

On the flipside, you may be super consistent. People engage and tell you you're amazing... but they hardly ever invest.

And then you RESENT SHOWING UP! 

What will actually make the difference in your content to turn engagement into SALES?

The secret to HIGHER CONVERSION  is creating EMPOWERING & MAGNETIC content that exudes confidence! 

As a business owner, it's YOUR JOB to believe the transformational power of your products and services.

People can't feel confident in your offers until YOU DO.

And when you truly trust what you have is VALUABLE, you, your content and your business become MAGNETIC.



When you get clear on how to attract your ideal clients through your content... 

When you find pleasure and fun in breaking down your expertise with your marketing... 

When you create a system that allows you to create content on-demand...

You can FINALLY MAGNETIZE for profit!


Are you feeling STUCK with your MARKETING?

Ready to clearly convey the benefits of what you have to offer, so it's a no-brainer?  

Ready to have people say "I want to work with you" just by stumbling upon your brilliant copy?

Ready to NEVER feel like you wasted time writing content?

And have the dream of selling out programs come true?

This IS possible!

Get ready for a TANGIBLE content creation strategy that CONVERTS.

Get ready to SHOW UP & SHINE so bright, everyone will want to work with you!

Consistency & strategy will come together so you can attract and MAKE PROFIT!


This is SOOOOO good and I'm SO excited!

By enrolling in Magnetic Content Creation System this initial launch, you will also get a 28-day pop-up group on Facebook for more support and accountability!

Well, that convinced me! Iā€™m in!

What clients are saying...

Jenny Gallard & Wendy Davis

"Marta helped us see how powerful we truly are. We were looking for help with exposure, visibility, and getting people to see our value and realized that we are in control and in the power seat. Marta also gave us direct and useful tools on how to properly market ourselves and helped us gain the confidence to reach out for exposure in our business."

Liz Lautrup

"Marta Spirk tunes in to a need you have and her quick mind comes up with all kinds of fabulous content and ideas that she readily shares. She has helped me determine the journey I take my clients through and more importantly, how to communicate them so that prospect can understand the and become comfortable … so  necessary before a sale gets made! She is a wonderful person, cheerleader, thinker, idea-generator and supporter. I am grateful to have found her." 


Carelyn Torres

"I've seen Marta showing up everywhere and how her visibility has increased tremendously throughout the years raising triplets and I had to check out her system. Her repurposing method is a time saver. Take the leap because Marta has your back!"


Magnetic Content Creation System

A self-paced program with lifetime access

One Payment


  • Video tutorials outlining all the 5 steps (Notice, Listen, Forgive, Empower & Transform)
  • Video tutorials on how to use all the material & start implementing right away
  • 4 different editable scripts for you to populate
  • 5 slide templates on Canva to use for video presentations
  • Examples on what each video looks like in practice
  • BONUS: a 28-day pop-up FB group to share your progress and ask any questions you may have!
Yes, I'm IN!

2-month Payment Plan



  • Video tutorials outlining all the 5 steps (Notice, Listen, Forgive, Empower & Transform)
  • Video tutorials on how to use all the material & start implementing right away
  • 4 different editable scripts for you to populate
  • 5 slide templates on Canva to use for video presentations
  • Examples on what each video looks like in practice
  • BONUS: a 28-day pop-up FB group to share your progress and ask any questions you may have!
Yes, I'm IN!

Hi, I'm Marta...

I'm a Brazilian girl born and raised,  teacher/translator/interpreter with over 20 years of experience in linguistics and communication. For the last 5 years,  I've been helping women to move past perfectionism, impostor syndrome and comparison and into VISIBILITY, CREDIBILITY & PROFIT.

It is both my passion and mission to give women the permission to succeed, letting their voices be heard to create the impact they were meant to have as they step into their entrepreneurial potential.

Join me today to MAGNETIZE with your content!