Love yourself - Grow Your Business

Join the premier community on personal development for women entrepreneurs




Let me help you decide if The Empowered Woman School is for you...

What is The Empowered Woman School?


3 Pillars of Personal Development Made Easy

Become an aware, confident and EMPOWERED woman at any stage of your entrepreneurial journey!


In today's age of information overload the last thing you need is another 500+ hour video course that leads to overwhelm and frustration. This is why our content is actionable and practical - no fluff or theory here.


Even the best content in the world won't do you much good if you don't know how to apply it to your unique situation. This is where our weekly coaching and Q&A sessions come into play to provide guidance and support right when you need it most.


Come for the content, benefit from the coaching, and stay for the community. Our community is made up of other like-minded women entrepreneurs just like you and are there to offer support, encouragement, and practical advice in real time. 


Being a woman isn't like the perfect highlight reel accounts on social media make it seem. I talk to women all the time who say they feel overwhelmed, exhausted and unfulfilled.

I've had women from different backgrounds and walks of life reach out to me because they want to know what my "secret" is to being energetic and EMPOWERED.

The reality is that I'm not special or uniquely blessed. I'm just like you, but in my personal development journey I decided to be MINDFUL and INTENTIONAL with everything and in every area of my life. This has led me to find specific strategies that make my everyday lighter, joyful, just by paying closer attention to myself.

Most women don't understand how SELFLESS it is to really take care of your OWN well-being. It's NOT selfish. It's by investing your time in self-reflection that you create your life of happiness - not by trying to be like anyone else but yourself.


What students are saying...

Meet Limary. She's one of the students at the school and I interviewed her for my show The Empowered Woman Podcast.


What students are saying...

Meet Devin:



Library with 30+ videos & worksheets

Plenty of resources to guide you through situations of insecurity or low self-esteem. Plus, we add to these resources all the time – so there is always something new to watch, and you can return to content as the need arises. Remember, self-love is a ongoing process, it’s not a one-time fix it and forget it.

Access to a private group

This intimate group of like-minded women provide the peer-support that we’re lacking right now, during a time of isolation and uncertainty

Weekly group coaching calls

These group coaching calls will provide the support needed to navigate through unexpected situations.


1:1 Onboarding Call with Me

Identify your biggest blocks and gain clarity on what you should focus on to start seeing results faster after our 1:1 deep dive.


Hot Seats

You'll be able to teach a class or share your story at least once monthly, gain exposure and practice for your business or simply to empower women with your experiences.

Podcast Interview

As a member of the school, you have priority in being a guest at our top rated show The Empowered Woman Podcast - and impact the lives of women all over the world.

Join with confidence when the school opens back up!

*Sign up below to be notified

About Me

I'm a triplet mom, Brazilian, a teacher, translator and interpreter, but also a woman with a passion for teaching other women to LOVE & EMPOWER themselves.

My goal is to show you how you already have and are everything you need to be. Your true happiness and fulfillment lies within!

For the last 3 years I've dedicated my work via the Empowered Woman Podcast and my Programs to help you celebrate YOU!

I've perfected my daily self-reflection routine...

I hope you're ready to create your own happiness daily and make some serious changes to your mindset!

Frequently Asked Questions

The school releases new content weekly. You'll have a few assignments and videos to watch and can do it at your own pace. Even if you can't catch up weekly, you'll still have access to all the content while a member and can refer back to it at any time.

Instantly! As soon as you sign up, you'll receive a welcome email and access to all of the library.

Yes! Anyone can take the course, just be aware all the content is in English (and we do have a Portuguese version of the school as well).

I want you to be more than satisfied and am truly invested in helping you make the changes you're looking for. However, if you're not satisfied with the program, you can unsubscribe at any time at the click of a button, no penalties.

All students have access to our private facebook group, where they can ask any questions. If you have urgent concerns you can also send an email to [email protected]

"Marta is such a great force of positivity. When she speaks with you, you feel empowered and want to do more within your life. If you are looking for great guidance then sheā€™s your lady. I am thankful to implement the tools she has taught me and look forward to learning more down the road."

Health Coach

"Marta was instrumental in helping me find the confidence to pursue my passion in my own unique way. The online world is full of noise and can be really intimidating. But Martaā€™s methods helped me to embrace my voice and develop myself and my online business with clarity. Her 8 week program will help you develop both clarity and confidence to position you for happiness"

Family Attorney

"Working with Marta has made all the difference in my life! I didnā€™t realized how much I was lacking on clarity until I started working the 3-step process in the 8 weeks. If you are struggling to jump start your happiness this program is for you! I would recommend Marta and this program to anyone!!"

Mindset & Wellness Coach

Who EXACTLY is The Empowered Woman School for?

The woman who's ready to take control of her life 

The woman who understands she has to know herself to love herself

The woman who needs to let go of fear, shame & worry

The Empowered Woman School is for YOU!


50% Complete

Two Step

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